Lorenz×Manuela Support Conversations
C Support
マヌエラ: ローレンツ。ちょっといいかしら。
Manuela: Ah, Lorenz. Do you have a moment to spare, my dear?
ローレンツ: ……これはマヌエラ先生。ごきげんよう。
Lorenz: Hello, Professor Manuela. I trust all is well with you?
マヌエラ: ごきげんよう。ローレンツはいつも紳士ね。
Manuela: I am quite well, quite well. Thank you for asking. You are always such a gentleman.
ローレンツ: 恐縮です。で、僕に何かご用でも?
Lorenz: Thank you for saying so. How may I be of service?
マヌエラ: あら、用がなければ声をかけてはいけなかったかしら?
Manuela: I was wondering if we might spend a little time together. Maybe, chat a bit?
ローレンツ: いいえ。あなたのような美しい人に声を掛けていただけるなんて光栄です。
Lorenz: Certainly. It is an honor to speak with someone as elegant as yourself.
I’ve just made tea. Would you like a cup?
マヌエラ: ふふっ、嬉しいわ……。そういえば、あなたに聞きたいことがあったのよ。
Manuela: Oh, that would be just lovely. Lorenz, I hope you won’t think it too forward of me, but…
I was wondering if you could explain a poem to me?
マヌエラ: 誰にも気づかれぬ焦燥を生ぬるい翠雨が冷ましてゆく
Manuela: It goes like this… Verdant rains soothe… My aching heart like a cherished friend…
Amid time’s flow I mourn… Bonds I’m not sure I can ever rend…
As my mind clings to desperate thoughts… Here it comes, Horsebow Moon and summer’s end…
ローレンツ: そ、それはっ……!……な、ない! 僕の詩集が……!
Lorenz: Oh. That’s, um… That’s my poem.
マヌエラ: やっぱり、あなたが書いたものだったのね?皆の筆跡を随分調べたのよ、あたくし。
Manuela: As I suspected. I’ve checked absolutely everyone’s handwriting.
It’s a sad poem though, isn’t it? Feels lonely. Possibly even, dare I say, defeated.
What makes you feel that way, Lorenz? Why aren’t you happy? I very much want to know.
ローレンツ: いや……それは……。なぜ読んでしまったのですか。
Lorenz: Well, I suppose I— Wait, why are you reading my poetry? Where did you even get that?!
マヌエラ: こんなの拾ったら読みたくなるじゃない。そういうものよ、人間って。
Manuela: I found it. And when I saw the words, I read them. That’s what people do when they see words. They read them.
ローレンツ: 返してくださいっ!人のものを勝手に読むなど、無作法な!
Lorenz: Kindly return that at once! Reading someone else’s work without permission?! What an egregious breach of etiquette! Honestly!
マヌエラ: あらあら、ひったくるなんて乱暴なのね。取り乱すなんて、あなたらしくもないわ。
Manuela: Oh, dear. Snatching at something someone else is holding. How violent. It’s not like you to lose your composure, Lorenz.
ローレンツ: い、今見たものは、すべて忘れてください!あなたは何も見なかった。いいですね!?
Lorenz: Please—just forget you ever saw it. I beg you.
マヌエラ: 忘れてと言われても、忘れられないわ。そういうものよ、人間って。
Manuela: I’m afraid I could never forget that peek into the darkness of your soul. Nor would I want to.
ローレンツ: なら、誰にも言わないと約束してください!
Lorenz: Then at the very least would you kindly promise not to mention it to anyone else?!
マヌエラ: そんなに恥ずかしがらなくてもいいのに。素敵な詩だと思ったのよ? あたくし。
Manuela: Don’t feel embarrassed! No! Be proud. It’s a lovely piece of writing. Quite revealing.
I’d never guess you’d have such hidden depths. Tell me more.
ローレンツ: そういうのは結構ですので!では失敬!!
Lorenz: That’s quite enough!
マヌエラ: あらー……。照れ屋さんねえ。詩のこと、もっと聞きたかったのに……。
Manuela: Oh, that’s absolutely adorable. So bashful. I simply must hear more of his poetry sometime soon.
B Support
ローレンツ: ……歌声?あれは……、マヌエラ先生。
Lorenz: Is that Professor Manuela?
Her voice is every bit as fine as you might expect from the former leader of the Mittelfrank Troupe…
If it weren’t for her drinking, and her woefully inadequate manners, she would fit right in with high society—wait a minute…
マヌエラ: そして疼く思いを抱えたまま……♪角弓の風が夏の終わりを告げる……♪
Manuela: ♪ As my mind clings to desperate thoughts… Here it comes, Horsebow Moon and summer’s end… ♪
ローレンツ: う、わあああああああっ!
Lorenz: That’s my—oh, no. No, no, no!
マヌエラ: あら、ローレンツ。大きな声を出してどうしたのかしら?
Manuela: Oh, Lorenz! I heard you shout. Are you OK?
ローレンツ: 詩! 詩のことは! 忘れてくださいと!お願いしたではありませんかっ!
Lorenz: The poem! My poem! Forget it, I said! I asked you for one thing!
マヌエラ: ええ、そうね。そうお願いされて、忘れられないって答えたわよね、あたくし。
Manuela: And I told you it would be impossible for me to forget.
ローレンツ: それはそうですが、勝手に曲まで付けて!しかも、こんなところで歌うなんて!
Lorenz: Certainly I understand, but setting it to music? And now singing it?
マヌエラ: うふふ、素敵な歌になったでしょう?
Manuela: Oh, yes! It makes for a beautiful song, doesn’t it?
I’m feeling so lonely and blue. My dearest has left. He is gone far away, and I’m here. All alone.
And in my sadness, your poem… Well, it became a song for me to sing. It brought me a moment of happiness…
ローレンツ: 誰に振られたのか知りませんが、そんな思いを綴った詩ではありません。
Lorenz: I do not know who spurned you, but I assure you my poem has nothing to do with any such feelings.
It is getting late. We should both turn in. I will take my leave now.
マヌエラ: あなたも、あたくしから離れていくのね。男はみんな若い娘がいいの? そうなの?
Manuela: Oh. I understand. You’re leaving me too. Why? Am I too old to matter?
ローレンツ: はあ……そんなことは言っていません。年上好みの男なんて、いくらでもいますよ。
Lorenz: No, I never said any such thing. Why, I am sure there are plenty of men who would prefer a mature woman such as yourself.
マヌエラ: いいのよ、慰めてくれなくても……。いつもこう。みんな、そう。
Manuela: “Mature,” he says. I knew it. You’re all the same, you know.
No one sees the person behind the voice. They just see me older today than yesterday. They say, “Oh, look what happened to her.”
Nobody sees my frustration, my resignation to be forever alone. But you do. It’s all right there in your poem.
ローレンツ: ……一緒にしないでいただきたい。僕が描くのは、理想の貴族の姿だ。
Lorenz: Please. I assure you, my poem was not about that at all. It was actually about the ideal of nobility.
The sentiment is that, someday, I know I will get what I want. There is no resignation in it, as you seem to be suggesting.
マヌエラ: ……ローレンツ。
Manuela: Lorenz…
I was sure the poem was more about someone lamenting their frailty and the loneliness of time’s passing.
But that’s not it at all, is it? This is the story of someone impatient to get ahead. Who is afraid they’ll never make it.
ローレンツ: 高い理想を持つほど道は険しく、自分の不甲斐なさを悲観したくなる……。
Lorenz: The speaker in the poem does lament his shortcomings. The road to reach his ideal is long.
It is a trial. A test. If he can just find his way through it, he knows he can move forward.
So I think you should try to move forward too. Because with a voice as talented as yours, how could you possibly fail?
マヌエラ: ……ねえ、ローレンツ。この歌、いつか人前で歌わせてくれる?
Manuela: Lorenz… Someday you should let me sing this song in public.
I think people who are battling through their own trials…they might find comfort in this. And I believe I’m the only one who can do your work justice.
ローレンツ: ……わかりました。いいでしょう。ただし僕の名前を出さないことが条件です。
Lorenz: Very well. You have my assent. On the condition that you do not attach my name to it.
Now, permit me to retire for the night. I require ample rest to maintain an adequate level of polish, you know.
I suppose if my poem must be set to music, then it had best be done by such a talented singer.
A Support
マヌエラ: そして疼く思いを抱えたまま……♪角弓の風が夏の終わりを告げる……♪
Manuela: ♪ As my mind clings to desperate thoughts... Here it comes, Horsebow Moon and summer's end... ♪
マヌエラ: ローレンツ、聴いてくれた?どうだったかしら?
Manuela: Did you hear me just now? What did you think?
ローレンツ: ……素晴らしかったです。歌の女神もかくやというほどでした。
Lorenz: Marvelous. As though sung by the goddess herself.
Enchanting. Heartrending. Your voice truly captivates all who hears.
It is as though you channel all the emotion and human experience of your life into the music.
マヌエラ: あら、人生経験が長くて悪かったわねえ。あたくしのこと、おばさん扱いして。
Manuela: Well, I guess I have my fair share of life experience. So long as you're not implying I'm old...
ローレンツ: そ、そういうわけではなく!ただ、貴女らしい解釈をされたなと。
Lorenz: No, that is not — I mean to say that you skillfully applied your own interpretation in the music.
マヌエラ: うふふ、解釈だなんて。何も考えずに歌っているのよ、あたくし。
Manuela: Interpretation? When I sing, I am not interpreting. I'm scarcely thinking at all. I simply yield my heart to the poetry, and the emotion follows naturally.
ローレンツ: それが才能というものなのでしょうね。貴女の歌声は聴く者の心を揺り動かす。
Lorenz: I believe that is what they call genius. I hope you will permit me to listen again. I would like to hear it up close next time.
マヌエラ: いいわ、次は二人っきりで、あなたのためだけに歌ってあ・げ・る。
Manuela: Of course. Next time I'll perform a private show. Just the two of us...
ローレンツ: ……!か、からかわないでいただきたい。
Lorenz: You mock me?!
マヌエラ: うふふ、からかってなんて。……ねえ、また詩集を見せてくれる?
Manuela: Never. I wasn't mocking you. In fact, I'd like to see more of your poetry.
ローレンツ: 僕の詩集を? どうして……
Lorenz: My poetry? Why?
マヌエラ: 新しい曲を作りたいの。出来たら一番にあなたに聴かせるから。
Manuela: I'd like to use it for another song. I promise that when it's done, you'll be the first to hear.
ローレンツ: いえ、それは……。そもそも僕の詩など、趣味の域を出ず……。
Lorenz: Please. My poetry is merely an idle pursuit.
マヌエラ: それがいいのよ。飾らない言葉、正直な感情……
Manuela: That doesn't matter. The words are unadorned... the feelings so direct.
Your poems have touched my heart. They are so true to life.
ローレンツ: ……無様に悩み苦しむ姿が、人の心を掴むこともあるのですね……。
Lorenz: I suppose there is a certain appeal in the portrayal of such dark emotions. Even if it is a bit graceless.
Very well. Take this. You may use any of the poems I've finished working on.
マヌエラ: うふふ、良かった。早速、拝見……。
……あら? これは……この前の詩の続き、なのかしら?
Manuela: Oh my. I can hardly wait...
Is this the next part of the poem I was singing just now?
ローレンツ: それは、その……。貴女の歌を聞いて、つい書きつけたものです。
Lorenz: Yes. I wrote that after I heard you sing the first part.
I had nearly given up on it, to be honest, but your music gave me the inspiration to continue.
Though it is still quite unpolished, and not at all ready for a broader readership, I feel.
マヌエラ: 不出来だなんて、とんでもないわ。……ありがとう、ローレンツ。
Manuela: Unpolished? No, Lorenz. It's beautiful. Thank you. To think that my voice inspired you...
Yet it's you who inspires my voice. I'm so excited to start a new song!
ローレンツ: ええ、僕もそれを願っています、心から。
Lorenz: Yes, please do!